Sandra loves skiing

because skiing is it!

My perfect day of skiing in Flachau
I've been skiing since I was three years old - and this feeling has lost none of its fascination to this day. It was that time again at the weekend: a perfect day of skiing with fantastic conditions. As soon as I looked out of the window in the morning, I knew it was going to be great. Bright sunshine, glistening snow and fresh, clear mountain air - it couldn't have been better. So I quickly put on my ski gear and off we went!
Perfect start to the day
Once I reached the top of the mountain, I took a moment to enjoy the view. Then I strapped on my skis and set off with a few easy turns. The snow was perfect - neither too hard nor too soft - and the first runs felt great. After all these years on skis, the feeling of speed and control is pure freedom for me.
A moment of pleasure in the hut
After a few hours on the piste, it was time for a well-earned break. In a cosy mountain hut, I ordered a ski water and a freshly made Kaiserschmarrn - the perfect refreshment. For me, sitting in the sun, feeling the warmth on my skin and letting my gaze wander over the snow-covered mountains is just as much a part of skiing as the slopes themselves.



I was born here and have never thought about life without skiing. But it would never be the same and I don't even like to think about it.

The last turns

Well fortified, I returned to the piste. The afternoon sun bathed the mountains in a warm light and I wanted to get in as many runs as possible. With every turn, I felt the lightness and the fun that skiing is for me. But at some point, my legs got heavy and it was time to bring the day to a slow close.

Conclusion: A day to remember

For me, there is hardly anything better than a perfect day of skiing in the mountains. The mixture of challenge, fun and experiencing nature makes skiing something very special for me. And one thing is certain: this was not my last day on the piste this season - I can hardly wait to get going again!


I love skiing

My perfect day of skiing in Flachau

loves, snow, skis and winter

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